How To Self-Edit Your Wedding Photos

However, if you are going to take the do it yourself route, it is vital that you understand what you are doing.

A great way to end up with an impressive snap is to change the format that you save it in. When it comes to digital photos, there are two different formats that they can be saved in. These formats are JPEG and RAW. Saving your images in the RAW format can help you save some pictures that if they were saved in the traditional JPEG format would not have turned out looking so great.

RAW will capture more information that JPEG files do. This will enable you to make small adjustments to your photos, which will save you time, and in the end, it is important to remember that time is money. With the RAW format, you will be able to adjust your exposure, easily convert snaps into black and white, as well as eliminate over-sharpening images. When they are not sharp, photos can end up looking fake, ruining the realistic feeling of the shot.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when editing is wasting time editing photos that will never turn out looking how they desire; you want to keep all of your wedding photos, but it is important to know when to throw some away. A great digital camera and hours spent editing cannot change a bad shot. If your shot is bad, just move on, and go to a different picture to perfect.

A traditional technique that professional photographers use is referred to as the dodge and burn method. This specific technique was used for editing, before computers were invented. Dodge and burn means manually darkening and lighting certain areas of a picture, to bring the main focus of the image into the view of on-lookers. Typically, darker areas will need to be burned, while lighter areas, such as the shining smile on a bride's face needs to be dodged to help soften the appearance of the image.

Everyone that chooses to get married wants to have something to remind them of their special day. In most cases, professional photographers are employed to capture the essence of the day. However, if you're a little short on funds, it is possible to edit your own photos, or work with a family member to help you complete the task. By changing the format that you take your images in, eliminating wasted shots, and practicing a simple dodge and burn technique your wedding photos will appear as though they were taken and edited by a professional. It is important to remember that every penny counts these days, if you can obtain professional results on your own, then you might as well do so.

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