5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Wedding Photography

After the bills are paid, the thank you cards are sent, and all the emotions are starting to wind down, all you have left from your big day (that probably went by like a whirlwind) is your precious memories & your photographs.

As a wedding photographer, I know how quickly a wedding day flies by, in a blink in fact. I want you, as a bride, to get the most out of every minute you spend with your photographer.

So here it is, my ULTIMATE list of advice for getting the most out of your wedding photography on your big day!

1. Don't Skip Your Engagement Session: I believe that having an engagement session with your photographer can be an amazing irreplaceable benefit for you and your photographer. No matter if you have been engaged for 5 years, or 5 days, your engagement session is an important time for you to get to know your photographer, and for your photographer to get to know you. This allows for everyone to feel a little more comfortable with each other on the big day. Plus your photographer will already have practice getting your gorgeous smile to light up.

2. Time Management: Minimize stress on your wedding day by having a timeline and starting early. That doesn't mean you have to follow it to every second, but it will allow you to pre-visualize the day, and plan. If you buffer your time, and schedule a little extra between events, you will not feel rushed and be more present in the moment. Adding 10-15 minutes in between events will allow for guest and family greetings, which will for sure be the mail culprit of timelines getting pushed out the window. Also, try to be conscious of the time during the day. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle but the more you stay on track with the schedule, the more photo opportunity you will have, and maybe even squeeze in a few extra fun portraits!

3. Doing A "First Look": The first look is not only a great way for you to get some special time as a couple on your wedding day, but also can lead to the capture of some truly beautiful and intimate photos without an audience! It will also free up some time for you before the reception so you can enjoy your guests, and your wedding!

4. Communication: Remember that when you hire your photographer, they most likely have a list of photographs that are drilled into their brain that they need to consider the wedding a successful shoot (well I do anyway), such as mom tying up the gown, the kiss shot, and the first dance to name a few. To make sure a special photograph that you want to have on your big day is taken, tell your photographer before the wedding.

Anything you do not want photographed on the day of the wedding must be discussed as well. Maybe you don't like pictures on your left side, or anything too close up, or too far away, or if you like candid shots more than posed during the reception. Believe me, you and your photographer will appreciate you expressing these concerns before the wedding when we can do something about it, rather than after at your viewing.

5. Be Yourself & Smile Lots! There is a lot of things going on during your wedding day, and some may not go as planned. But don't let any mishaps get you down. If something happens, it will be either forgotten or funny twenty years from now, and you don't want a worried face preserved in your images. Keep your head up, enjoy the day, and keep that glowing smile on, because that is what you want to remember; how happy you were on one of the best days of your life.

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  1. The information you've provided here is fantastic because it provides a wealth of information that is really useful to me. Thank you for sharing about Sydney Wedding Photography in this blog.


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