5 Photography Tips For Beginners

Now that you have a camera and started taking photos you might feel that you are not getting the desired look and feel you envisioned for the shot. Here are 5 tips to make that image better.

1. Different camera exposure settings

Switch your camera to MANUAL, the fastest way to learn is to jump in and try it. Once your camera is on manual you can adjust your exposure. If your image needs more or less light you can just set it to a shorter or longer exposure. Play around with one subject and see what the different exposures do and you will quickly get used to it.

2. Lighting

Using Natural Light:

What does this mean? It simply means that you are using sunlight to light your subject. This can be a great way to make a difference in your photography, using a reflector to bounce or diffuse light will give your photo a more professional look, and it won't look so bright and washed out. Sunset is always a great time to do photo shoots because it gives a nice soft, warm look and feel.

Using Studio Lights:

While Studio lights are more expensive they really make a difference when you have learned how to position and use them. It can give you so many options in regards with mood and over all look. You can have crisp clear shots and in the same time change a few settings and positions and have a moody silhouette.

3. Creative Blur

Here is a simple and easy way to make a difference in your photo, just adding a blur effect will make it more interesting and will draw the viewer's attention to the focus point of your image.

Depth of field:

By adjusting your depth of field you will have a soft blurry background and your subject will be in focus. Drawing the viewer's attention to the subject.

You can do this by creating a very shallow depth of field. How do I create a shallow depth of field you ask, well that's easy you adjust your aperture to a very low F stop.

For example if you adjust your aperture to F4 you will have a very soft blurry background leaving your subject sharp and in focus. We refer to this as a shallow depth of field as opposed to F24 where you will have a clearer image from front to back.

Motion Blur:

You can do this with setting your camera on shutter priority, a slow shutter and a moving object will create blurry streaks giving it an interesting feel. For example have your subject move a piece of material around them.

4. Every day things

Taking photos of everyday things may sound dull but once you look at different and interesting ways to photograph them it opens up a world of opportunity, be creative and use simple objects that we see every day in your photography, trees, food, water, the list goes on and on. Put a fork in an apple see what happens, create something.

5. Take the time to make your Photography unique

Take some time to plan a few things, even if it is only right before you take the shot. This will help you execute the final look that you want in your photographs. Think of how you can make it extraordinary. Adding a little something to it to spice it up or to take away some elements for a clean shot. Try different things, and experiment with different settings and angles. Avoid taking photos that have already been done, put a fresh spin on things, be unique and creative.

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